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One Way Link Building Secures Long Term Ranking Results

Posted on October 11, 2022 by Marc Vanhorne
One-way link building is a superb way to increase your link popularity and ranking in search engines.One-way links are harder to obtain than traditional reciprocal links, but pay off in securing solid long-term search engine ranking results.Why Are One-Way Links Helpful?Link building in general is an important part of making sure your site ranks well in the search engines.Google and a number of the other search engines include link popularity as part of the way they evaluate the web pages they include in the search engine databases...

9 Ways to Keep Google Happy

Posted on September 4, 2022 by Marc Vanhorne
Here's a list of some of the general principles set out in the document.Most SEO specialists agree that these are reasonable principles, and it's simply a matter of time until they are adopted.1.Anchor text of links is still quite important.Concentrate on your anchor text.It should contain your main keyword.2.Google anticipates that anchor texts will be different.A good deal of identical anchor text indicates an"unnatural" linking pattern...

Top 2 Ways To Get Higher Rankings in Major Search Engines

Posted on August 6, 2022 by Marc Vanhorne
Search engines have always been an important source of traffic for many marketers.Achieving high search engine rankings should be one of your goals because it can be profitable in the long term.But what is it that stop some people from getting their coveted rankings?It's a fact that some years back, getting high rankings was quite straightforward.You can just set up a website, heavily optimize it to the page itself and bam, it is possible to show up in the top listings efficiently...

Duplicate Content Penalty

Posted on July 18, 2022 by Marc Vanhorne
Duplicate content penalty.Ever heard of it? This penalty is applied by Google and possibly other search engines when content found on your website is largely the same as what is found elsewhere on your website or on other websites throughout the internet.Search engine spam has been common ever since search engines were first invented.Search engine spam refers to the practice of making changes to your site that gets you listed high in search engines at the expense of readability by humans...

Hiring An SEO Consultant

Posted on June 2, 2022 by Marc Vanhorne
It crosses every webmaster's mind anytime they see an ad or an email for search engine marketing.Many small business owners wonder what they are missing by not doing this.So if you hire a consultant? Search engine traffic make up at least 85 percent of all traffic to a site.So of course, search engine optimization is quite important.But what, if any, are the consequences of doing it yourself? Could it be beneficial to a website owner to hire a professional SEO consultant, or just plod along and hope they are doing it right? This is a valid dilemma to face, and I will explain to you why it ought to be a simple decision...